This Chart tool helps you discover which areas of your health and wellness you need to give more attention to in order create a better-quality energy. The chart has eight sections. Place a dot on the line for each section in designate how satisfied you are with that aspect of your life. A dot placed towards the center of the circle indicates dissatisfaction, while a dot placed towards the periphery indicates ultimate happiness. Once you have placed a dot on each line, connect the dots to see how your Circle of life forms. If the circle is asymmetrical, the areas closer to the center need more consideration. This is how the tool indicates any areas that may need your attention. Complete this exercise again after one month to see if your circle has become more balanced.
Getting Started. Welcome to the Life Mastery Digital Planner! From 1-10, select how you are feeling this month for each of the 10 sections. 1 is dissatisfied, 10 is very satisfied. This chart will help you discover which areas of your health and wellness you will need to put attention to and focus on each month.